Kid Rock Awkwardly Hits On Female Reporter

Kid Rock surprised a reporter from the BBC, leaving her speechless, when he made a few flirtatious remarks during a live interview on Monday (January 20). The musician, who performed at Donald Trump’s pre-inauguration rally on Sunday (January 19), was discussing his plans for inauguration day.

“I’m done with work, so I can actually celebrate the rebirth of America today,” he said during the interview, before asking reporter Caitriona Perry: “What about you? What are you doing? Where are you at?”

While it looked like a Zoom call, Perry and Rock apparently could only hear each other, leaving the reporter to explain to the musician that she was standing on a rooftop for the broadcast.

“I can’t see you right now, so I don’t know what you look like,” Rock responded.

Perry, who was wearing ski and winter gear because of the extremely cold weather, then joked that she was “ready to hit the slopes.”

“I love to go skiing,” Rock replied, then shrugged and asked: “You sound sexy, you want to go with me?”

Perry hesitated before answering: “Well, we won’t get into that right here, so. We’re doing no skiing today, we’ve got a day of broadcasting to do. But Kid Rock, thank you so much for joining us here on BBC News, enjoy your day.”

The reporter then turned the broadcast back to the inauguration before ending the call, leaving Rock with a huge smile on his face.

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