Travis Barker Is Unrecognizable In High School Photo

A picture of Blink-182 member Travis Barker from his high school yearbook has emerged. In the picture, he can be seen sporting long hair, unlike his current no-hair look.

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Travis Barker gifts hair stylist

Earlier this year, Blink-182 star Travis Barker made an unexpected visit to a Perth hair salon as he was searching for a bathroom and ended up gifting the excited staff free tickets to his show.

It has been noted that hair stylist at Northbridge salon Hearts and Hues spotted the rockstar standing out the front of the salon entry, searching for a bathroom, when she rushed over to let him in and offer the salon’s facilities.

Barker and his security spoke with the staff who also happened to be a huge Blink-182 fan and for about 10 minutes afterward before gifting them free entry to the first of Blink-182’s two sold-out concerts kicking off Thursday, suggesting his security put their names on the door.

They were quick to share their unexpected celebrity visitor with an iconic selfie of three over-the-moon staff members posing with Barker to Instagram. Hearts and Hues owner Stevie Vincent said she was so excited for her staff as “they work so hard”.

“I left the salon a few hours earlier to enjoy the next few days off and when I saw the team chat going off I thought there was an emergency, turns out there was!”

Vincent — who also owns Studio Contrast in Attadale — said she won’t be going to the concert tonight but she will “be there in spirit”.

“Definitely a little bit jealous that I wasn’t there (to meet Barker), but so excited for the girls — they work so hard and they deserve every second of it,” she said.

Barker, who is married to American reality TV star Kourtney Kardashian — was in the area visiting vegan cafe Flora and Fauna where he enjoyed the Thai Soul Bowl. Hearts and Hues is located above the popular cafe.

Blink-182 are back in the studio and a hint indicates that they are working on new material. This has certainly got the fans buzzing. The iconic trio – Mark Hoppus, Tom DeLonge and Travis Barker have have reunited to create memorable tracks. Travis Barker had also grabbed the attention of the fans when he also posted a photo of what appeared to be Mark Hoppus in the studio recording both bass and some vocal tracks. This had also fueled the speculation of the fans.

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