Sleep Theory are one of our Stars Of 2025 as they make their debut on the cover of Rock Sound magazine.

Exploding onto the metal scene with breakthrough megahit ‘Stuck In My Head’, the group now find themselves on the precipice of global stardom as they prepare to unveil their highly anticipated debut album. Frontman and vocalist Cullen Moore guides us through their journey to date and looks towards their bright and ambitious future in an in-depth new interview.

Also inside your new issue of Rock Sound, Lacuna Coil’s Cristina Scabbia looks back on key lyrics from her career, Cassadee Pope talks writing Hey Monday’s classic ‘How You Love Me Now’ and we meet our latest Breakout artist, Your Favorite Color. Plus, interviews with L.S. Dunes, Slowly Slowly and The Velveteers and cover features with our four other Stars Of 2025, all across more than 100 pages in our biggest ever issue.
Get your magazine, photo print and t-shirt now at SHOP.ROCKSOUND.TV.

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