SKELETONWITCH Working On First New Material Since 2018

Looks like Skeletonwitch has begun work on the follow-up to their 2018 record Devouring Radiant Light. All we know so far is that there’s new material in the works, given the below screenshot of the band’s recent Instagram story. So y’know, get stoked for some new Skeletonwitch in the future. It’ll skeleton your witches or whatever.

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Skeletonwitch parted ways with drummer Dustin Boltjes in 2018, making Devouring Radiant Light his final effort with the band. Devouring Radiant Light was also Skeletonwitch‘s only full length album (since 2016’s The Apothic Gloom was an EP) with vocalist Adam Clemans, who replaced Chance Garnette in 2016. It’s also worth noting that Skeletonwitch hasn’t played a show since 2019. I guess my final thoughts here are this – I miss Skeletonwitch and I’m glad they haven’t just dissipated into the void. Who knows what their new lineup will look like upon their return, but I’m excited regardless.

SKELETONWITCH Working On First New Material Since 2018
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