Parkway Drive Release Epic Title Track Of New Album ‘Darker Still’ – News

Parkway Drive continue to ascend to the headiest heights with the tasters from their new record.

Parkway Drive are set to release their new album ‘Darker Still’ in a few weeks, and they have just shared the title track to whet your appetite that little bit more.

And it’s one hell of a ballad. 

Slowly building guitars and soft vocals unfurl themselves across the six-minute runtime to a triumphant and rousing conclusion, brimming with spine-tingling solos and impassioned howls. 

It is a perfect embodiment of where Parkway Drive find themselves in 2022, unafraid to show off their wingspan and let whatever is in their heart bellow out of them. 

Vocalist Winston McCall had this to say about it:

“Love. Time. Death. The great defining elements that make up our existence. This song begins with the simplest of human sounds and represents these elements as the musical journey grows to reach its souring crescendo before facing the inevitable conclusion of its journey. The night grows dark… darker still.”

Here it is, let it engulf you:

‘Darker Still’ is set to drop on September 09 via Epitaph.

It will also feature ‘The Greatest Fear’:

And ‘Glitch’:

We chatted to Winston all about it recently, which you can catch up with below:

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