Palaye Royale have outdone themselves with their latest piece of art.

Every video that Palaye Royale have released during the ‘Fever Dream’ era has been remarkably beautiful.
But ‘Oblivion’ probably tops them all.
Written and directed by Eva Doležalová, it is art in its most beautiful form.
Shots that take the breath out of your lungs, locations that look like they have been pulled out of storybooks and the sort of drama that clings to you like it is your own, it’s an astonishing accompaniment to a truly gorgeous song.
It is the sort of video that defines Palaye Royale, perfectly capturing everything that they are about and delivers it with precision and power.
Lose yourself in it below. You won’t regret it:
‘Fever Dream’ is out now via Sumerian Records.
Here is the epic title track:
The band tell us all about it in their own deluxe edition of Rock Sound, featuring two covers.
You can pick it up alongside an exclusive t-shirt WORLDWIDE from right HERE