UNITYTX Share Undeniable New Track ‘BURNOUT’ – News

A vital and earth-shattering offering from the UNITYTX collective.

UNITYTX have made their return, and shown off a different side to their musical interests.

And it is massive. 

It’s called ‘BURNOUT’, and slows things down from the ferocious hardcore pace you are used to.

But the intensity is still there, and the bursts of aggression are all the more powerful because of it. 

It’s a masterstroke of bringing together the sounds of yesterday and making them feel thoroughly fresh and modern. 

Vocalist Jay Webster had this to say about it:

“Burnout is the expression in dissatisfaction with the state of everything it takes to continue making strides in modern day society. Feeling drained of waking up to do the same thing daily — where it feels like you lose yourself along the way. Looking in the mirror at yourself, wondering if the dread is brought upon by yourself or those who derive from your abilities.  

Struggles with maintaining a drive & balance to keep you afloat in your most hopeless moments. Taking those thoughts and reflecting on them with realizing why you even do it in the first place. Doesn’t matter what it is, everyone gets burned out on things when the control is out of their reach. 

But it’s up to yourself to keep a strong and wilful outlook to steer clear when hitting a roadblock — you just have to snap out of it to remember how far you’ve come.”

Here it is:

It follows on from their ‘HELLWAY’ EP from last year. 

It included ‘Walk With Me’, which sounds like this:

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