Doodseskader are one of the most fascinating bands currently making a name for themselves in alternative culture. This is their story.

You’ve never heard anything quite like Doodseskader.
The creation of Tim De Gieter and Sigfried Burroughs, they have just released their debut album ‘Year One’, an intense blend of hardcore, hip-hop, drum and bass and metal. It pushes and pulls at everything you ever thought you knew about heavy music, remoulding your inhibitions and creating a new sense of feeling to towards it. And to be at this stage, creating something truly unique, and still only be getting started is an incredibly exciting triumph.
To find out more about how they created ‘Year One’, and what the band represents for them, we had a little chat with the band…
How would you best describe the Doodseskader mission statement? How do you feel it has adapted over the last few years as you have created more music?
“Our initial mission statement was to create some kind of ‘Musical symbiosis’ between both of us and to use the music as a backdrop for our story. We’ve known each other for almost 20 years, and both of us have been involved in various genres during that time. Over the years, we often joked or talked about having a project together, so when the time finally came to do so, it was really important that it’d be as complete as possible both on a musical and an emotional level so that our commitment would be as big as possible and for this not to be, ‘just another project’.
“This hasn’t adapted or changed over the last few years, but maybe we did. Neither of us had thought this band would have as big of an impact on ourselves and our personal lives. By sticking to the initial creed, we’re constantly diving deeper into this journey of self-discovery and acceptance while finding more and more pleasure in the challenge of making the fusion of genres work.”
What was your initial aim with ‘Year One? How did your expectations of what the record could become change throughout making it?
“This one might require some explanation. There will be 5 ‘Year’ records total, starting with ‘MMXX : Year Zero’ and ending with ‘Year Four’. When we started the band, we set out with an idea of what the sonic aesthetic of ‘Year Four’ will be like but decided it’d be best if we gradually built towards it instead of starting off at peak genre fusion and leaving people confused. “MMXX…” was, in a certain way, consciously put together as a record that’d be as easy on the ears as possible for people who enjoy heavy music. ‘Year One’ is a small step away from “MMXX…” towards what ‘Year Four’ will be. We decided to gradually ramp up the production and incorporate more elements from other genres in a (sometimes) subtle way. In that sense, our expectations also didn’t change. We knew very well what we were getting into and just worked until we got there.”
What elements were the most challenging to put together? What parts gave you the most joy?
“The biggest challenge was finding a level of production that would feel like a step away from ‘MMXX…’ but didn’t go so far that it’d start alienating people or feeling tacky or misplaced. We recorded the album very straightforward’ at first, just dry bones type bass and drums and went in to do the production afterwards so we could really think it through and develop a sonic language that felt suited to the songs’ emotion. This definitely was the most rewarding part of the process. When we listened to the final version with all the layering, synths, samples, drum machines and weird vocal stuff we put in there, it felt like we had taken a step in the right direction.”
Who do you feel inspired you the most during the process, helping you to push yourself as far as you can go?
“Definitely each other. We’re very critical of ourselves and each other, and we apply our ‘no mercy’-type approach to every aspect of the band and ourselves. Whether it’s lyrics, riffs, or sonics, we continuously push each other to dig deeper or do better. Doodseskader is a very introspective project and focused on our union, so we never look for outside opinions or inspiration as it would only distract us.”
What does this band mean to you? What does it mean to have it be a part of your life as an artist and in the day-to-day?
“This band is everything, really. It dominates our every day since we’re constantly working on new stuff (we’re currently recording ‘Year Three’ and some more loose tracks’). It’s definitely a lot more than just a band. In a certain way, it’s a big part of our identity since we now have this vessel we pour our every idea into and can use to share our story and bond with the world. Doodseskader has pushed us to be better musicians, and the reflective nature of the project definitely is changing us as people too. Not a day goes by where we do not realise how lucky we are to be doing this together – and be doing this altogether. Shout out to everybody that’s been supporting this project or just listening to our stuff. Our gratitude is without end.”
With these songs under your belt, what are your aspirations for 2023 and beyond?
“We’re definitely just getting started. There’s a lot more where ‘Year One’ came from. Like last year, we’ll be releasing some more loose tracks, another record, more dope merch, more live shows so we can be with all of you. The aspiration for 2023 and beyond is that we’ll keep going at this until all is 45.”