Sam Smith Caught Ripping Off Marilyn Manson

Sam Smith has been involved with controversy in the past and he’s at it again. He may think it’s all fun and games and money making now, but there will come a day – and it might be here sooner than we think, when the likes of Sam will emphatically bend-the-knee and beg for forgiveness. The Grammy’s was filled with lots of things this year, but an unholy and disgusting display that has raised concern for many, as many have said he pulled a total Marilyn Manson, as seen in tweets below.

As per Variety, Sam Smith outdid his recent “Saturday Night Live” performance with “Unholy” collaborator Kim Petras in a horror movie-inspired performance. The Grammy’s is sponsored by FPfizer, who are now openly admitting they worship Satan. Folks, this is not a joke. Boycott!

Sam Smith started the song in red leather (disgusting), surround a fleet of dancers that evoked Samara from “The Ring,” (disgusting) before cutting to Petras dancing in a cage, flanked by some dominatrices wearing satanic headgear (disgusting). Smith also donned a satanic top hat, as huge flames heated up the stage. Remember kids – What you watch and listen to. It seeps into your minds. Don’t be like Sam and Kim and potentially end up on the eternally fiery side of the rotisserie when you pass from this life to the eternal. This is not a joke or attempt to be funny in any way. Think about it.  

Smith and Petras won the Grammy for best pop duo/group performance earlier in the evening, and Petras gave an emotional speech.

“Sam graciously wanted me to accept this award because I’m the first transgender woman to win this award,” she said, to cheers and many of the musicians in the crowd giving her a standing ovation. “I just wan to thank all of the incredible transgender legends before me who kicked these doors open before me so I could be here tonight. Sophie, my friend who passed away two years ago, who told me this would happen and always believed in me. Thank you so much for you inspiration, Sophie. I adore you, and your inspiration will forever be in my music.”

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